Thursday, September 29, 2011

"September Best Of"

 All of there pictures are my favorites as they turned out very well and just the lighting and placements of the objects are very well out. I like how the lighting in the picture of the peppers turned out. On one side, it is light and on the other side it is dark.
 The picture with the apple is a very neat picture to me as it is the only red thing in the photo which makes it even better. I think this picture could have been better if the leaves were black and white and just the apple was the only colored object in the picture.
 Cooper. He likes to play on the hay bails especially when my younger brother and sister are up there with him. He kinda goes crazy then. He usually poses very well for pictures.
This picture is probably me most favorite picture that I have taken. The way the grass is in the way of the   ball is really neat to me and the way the ball is positioned in the grass is very appealing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Isn't he a good boy?

I love this picture a lot! I snapped the picture just before he jumped off the hay bail. 

Purple and Yellow

This is my favorite flower that I have in my yard. The colors and the way the plat fits into the pot just makes me like it more and more. This is also some of my mom's flowers that are in the yard. I was very proud of this  picture.

Wet, Bubbly Flower

After it rained on Sunday afternoon, I went outside to take some pictures. I took the pictures after it rained because the water bubbles were still on the grass and flowers and I really like pictures like that. My younger sister suggested that I take this picture and I am glad I listened to her because I think that it turned out very well.


These are peppers. I was helping my mom can salsa and I was cutting up peppers. Yeah, fun I know right. I just placed the peppers on the cutting board and thought "Hey, this would be a great picture!"

Let's play some golf!

I love this picture. I was out in my yard hitting golf balls (because I golf) and I decided that this would be a good picture. This is a 3 subject picture as the golf ball is the main subject and then the words on the ball and finally the grass.


This is my post for 3 subject photography. I choose my dog for a subject as he always is a good boy when I take pictures of him. He poses very nice when i tell him to sit or stay.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I thought that this was a very neat picture as the first few flowers in the picture were kind of blurred out and the last few were n focus. It turned out better then i thought.

My mom's flowers

I love this picture. Purple is my favorite color so that my be why but I just thought it was a very neat photo.


This is Boots. Boots is my sister's kitten. He is about 6 or 7 months old. He is very lovable and sweet.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Beautiful Flowers

This is the first post on my blog. I choose the picture as I thought it was very neat. Another reason I choose this picture was because I thought the colors looked like it fit the picture very well.