Monday, October 31, 2011

One More Light and Shadow

This is a picture that was taken on a rainy day and the picture, I think, turned out to be very nice. If you can't tell what it is, it is a picture of the shadows of trees on the water. They are up side down so yes, it is kind of hard to tell but it did turn out nice. I like this picture as it is cool and interesting how the trees reflection or shadows are on the deck on the water.

Light and Shadow

This is my light and shadow picture. This is a picture of my hand on one of our chairs at home. The chair is  suppose to be blue but it didn't look to well so I changed it to black and white to see if I would like it better, and what do you know, I do like it better. This is not natural light from a window, it is a lamp that is next to a chair as the day I was taking pictures, it was raining and cold outside so there was no natural light. Overall, this picture turned out better then I thought it would.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Multi View Picture

This is my multi view picture or pictures. There is a background and if you look closely you will be able to see it. The background has 4 pictures on top if it, all in different colors. I would have used the background picture for one of the pictures in top, but it turned out kind of blurry so I thought that wouldn't really work out to well. I think that this picture turned out very well. I also think that the colors of the pictures go together very well and that makes the picture look better then it would in just black.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Replace a Sky

This is my replace a sky. The picture was taken of me golfing at sectionals in Wisconsin Dells. The sky that was in it was just white and it looked weird. So one morning I went out to my yard and got a picture of a cool looking sky and then put it in place for the other one.

Monday, October 17, 2011

"The Change Of Seasons"

When I saw my address plate with the grass in front of it, I knew that I had to take a picture of it. What I would change about this picture is that I would have liked for there to be a blue sky in it somewhere. But I also like it how it is. 

 What an awesome picture! The sky was not as blue before so I made it more blue to see what would happen, to see if I would like it better, and what do you know...I did like it better. Just the fact that the branch has lost all of its needles is pretty neat but the branches above it have not lost its needles yet, so that is what I like about it.
 On this picture, I wish that the rock was not on the leaf but the wind was so strong that day that the leaf would not stay on the ground by itself. So if I wanted the picture I had no choice but to put the leaf on top of it. But over all, it turned out very well.
This is a died tree in the woods in front of my house. This picture was originally in color but my teacher told me to see what would happen if it was in black and white. I think I like it better in black and white.

Friday, October 14, 2011

One More

Here is one more from our field trip on Wednesday. The purple tint in the back is what I like about the picture the best. When I look at it, I just feel relaxed and calm.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Favorite Field Trip Picture

This picture is a picture of the trees reflecting off of the water. It turned out very neat and just happens to be my favorite.

Field Trip

We went to a local forest just outside of town. We spent about an hour there and we just took pictures. I think that this one turned out very nice.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Leading Lines

Diagonial Lines

This is one of out patio tables on our front deck. I looked at it and thought "What a good diagonial line picture."

Curved Lines

This is my composition picture of curved lines. This is the slide in my back yard on the play house.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Animal Morph


Barn and Sunset

This is a barn near my house. I was on my way to town with my mom and I made her stop the car so I could take a picture of the sunset.


On my way to Marshfield early Friday morning and took some pictures along the way.


My mom took me to the Highground to take some pictures of the sunset. There are even geese in the picture.