Friday, November 18, 2011


This is my ABC's report. We were assigned to take pictures of the ABC's but they could not be the real letter. They had to be something that looked like the letters but wasn't actually the letter. This project was hard, and confusing. But overall, I liked a good challenge. Some of the letters were very hard to find. I searched and searched for the letter Y and the letter A. I think that they were the most complicated letters to find. But after I took the picture of the letter A, I loved it! If you cannot tell, it is a swing set. And I think the funniest picture is the O. It is a roll of toilet paper! I think that the letter J is a very unique one as it is the Nike symbol from my tennis shoes. Cool right! Well these are my ABC's, Hallie Style!

1 comment:

  1. Most of the letters are very good-The "S" and "Y" are fans....although I'd have rotated the Y a little. Good job getting everything put together Hallie Style....
